Monday 9 December 2013

Kids With Autism Can Have A Life

Welcome to our Official Blog, for our first post we want to explain the
reason behind our charity, we believe children and young adults, with Autism
and Aspergers, and all those with general learning difficulties have a right
to the same quality of life as everybody else, and with the right support
from parents, families, carers, this should be possible.

Here at Magic Moments we have some wonderful youngsters who take pleasure in
working hard and socialising with their peers, it is obviously hard for them
at times, but they have the determination, and it is our job to guide them
and give them encouragement, praise and thanks for all they do.

Here are the names of just some of our amazing youngsters, Hope, Paige,
Ross, Barry, Thomas, Daniel, Jason, Thomas, Luke, Ryan, Kaitlan, Nick,
Courtney, we're so proud of them all.

Their families and their siblings have it tough too, with different levels
of stress, Magic Moments is the ideal place for them to come and chat, this is what
we are here for, to give them somewhere to come and socialise with friendly
like minded people, go on trips, holidays, etc, whilst having the reassurance
that they are with people in a similar situation, it can make all the
difference, why shouldn't these youngsters and their mum's, dad's, bother's,
sister's, and other family relatives have happy magic moments

We are determined as a charity, as Magic Moments, for this cause.



  1. Get well soon pat hope you make a speedy recovery and that you bounce back to your normal self we miss having you around get well soon.angeka
